Viva Connection Sessions
Viva Connection Sessions
introducing our 2019 speakers answering commonly asked questions
Dicken Bettinger – Is There Freewill?
Natasha Swerdloff – How do we discern wisdom?
Ivan Dimitrov – How can we introduce the 3Ps into a predominantly academic environment?
Linda Ramus – Why is research an important piece of the work of three principles facilitators, educators and programme leaders?
Gabriela Maldonado-Montano – Can we create the environment for insight to arise?
Dawn Wilding – What do the 3 Principles have to do with physical health?
Maureen York, Sue Lachman & Kay Evans – What’s the one thing that made the biggest difference after your cancer diagnosis?
Fredrik Kinnman – What difference has the understanding of the Three Principles brought to your work as a psychiatrist?
Linda Pettit – How did you introduce the 3Ps into your psychology practice?
Sheela Masand – Are you scared you’ll get it wrong when you share the Principles?
Dr Bill Pettit – Why is understanding of Mind vital to our physical health?
Mette Louise Holland – Why am I still getting anxious/depressed/upset when I understand the Principles?
Stef Cybichowski – How to start a 3P business as a coach?
Liliana Bellini – How do we introduce the topic of love as being the solution in challenging situations like the homelessness, prisons, drug addiction, child abuse?
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